£761.50 raised for Bluebell Wood Hospice

A Pacy and Wheatley team lead by the MD Anthony Wheatley took part in the Doncaster Dragonboat Race on 15th July to raise money for the very worthy Bluebell Wood Hospice. The team and supporters on the day comprised of P&W employees, family members and friends. It was a dismal start to the day (weather wise) but the team embraced the challenge and achieved their objectives of working as a team, enjoying the day and not getting wet (for the most part anyway). The team worked hard and the results were better than anticipated:
  • Race 1 – 2nd 76.31 seconds
  • Race 2 – 2nd 67.71 seconds
  • Race 3 – 2nd 70.25 seconds
Overall, we came 12th out of 28 teams (just missing out on a place in the semi-finals) (1st place time 67.46 seconds) even the sun came out later in the day. We consider this to be a fantastic achievement for our first time taking part in this event. We have already booked our place in the event next year, our target shall be to make the semi-finals. Most importantly we smashed our target of raising £500 for Bluebell Wood (achieved £761.50 + gift). A big THANK YOU to our team, our supporters and our sponsors.
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