Acoustic Plaster Victoria Gate, Leeds.

Acoustic Plaster Victoria Gate, Leeds

The Project

SCS North contacted Pacy and Wheatley to help with the design and delivery of an acoustic plaster solution, to manage the new shopping centres acoustic reverberation issues. The new shopping centre within the Victoria Quarter in Leeds, where numerous top brand fashion designers and shops will be residents, was being constructed joining onto the brand new John Lewis store. The requirement was for a class A solution to ensure the arcade had the ambient comfort and feeling of relaxation through the shopping experience.

The Solution

Pacy and Wheatley were asked for a class A solution to the walls of the arcade malls which curves around the contours of the design. Whilst having central areas with bullnose curved features around glazed areas, this involved special panels with relief cuts to the rear to form the curves around the substrates. The complex design of the walls had many areas that required detailing. Reverberation was reduced to a good level and an acoustically healthy environment for all users of the mall whether dinning or shopping for those top brands, all in all a comfortable environment has been created as well as stunning architecture. Complex dimple areas to the south mall were very complex however overcome by the team working with SCS and SRM. The project was completed on time and to budget for the client and he has offered comments below in a testimonial.


“A massive Thankyou needs to go out to you and all your team involved as it has not been an easy project with the delays incurred to our start and so many other trades working alongside us at the same time and they have managed to overcome any problems on site and produced an excellent job at the end of it all” - Mr Darren Friend, Commercial Director.

  • CLIENT: SCS North
  • SECTOR: Specialist Acoustic Plaster System
  • TYPE: Specified
  • PROCUREMENT : Tendered
  • LOCATION: Leeds City Centre
  • PROJECT VALUE: £160,000

Solution Experts for Acoustic Challenges

Pacy & Wheatley Acoustics

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